Classes & Tuition for Upcoming 2025-2026 school year

We have two different class options for Preschool, morning classes & afternoon classes. These classes are for potty trained students ages 3-5 years old.

Only taking 8 students per class. Limited spots.

Morning Class -

Monday & Wednesday

9:00am - 11:30am

$250 per month

August 19th - May 16th

Afternoon Class -

Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday

12:00pm- 2:30pm

$325 per month

August 19th - May 16th

Fun Fit Fridays

*Sign ups monthly


$25 drop in activity classes

Listed once school starts

Fun Fit Fridays !

On Fridays, I will be teaching an outdoor 2-hour class that will focus on students developing locomotor and Object control skills. Friday classes can be signed up for monthly ($80) or weekly ($25). These classes will be offered from August-November and March- May.  I believe It is important to teach children to love movement and provide them with the opportunity to develop proficiency in the basic skills before moving onto more advanced movements. I will work with the students to develop these skills through games, drills, and play. These are the following skills that will be worked on with the students: 

Locomotor skills - rolling, balancing, sliding, jogging, running, leaping, jumping, hopping, dodging, galloping and skipping

Object control skills - bouncing, throwing, catching, kicking, striking.